We have moved!

Our beads are now found HERE. We will no longer be updating new beads on this blog. You can also choose to subscribe to this feed whenever we update our gallery. Thank you!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Thank you for your poll!

I appreciate those who have stopped by and contributed to the poll. It looks like I'll have to stick with the current way of managing the sale of my beads. =)

I've received some feedback on selling at Etsy but that's not something on my priority list right now because of the listing costs involved. So until then, this is still the best way to showcase the sale of my beads. Though I very much welcome any ideas you think would be suitable for the kind of fixed day sale I have.

As much as I wish to give everybody an equal opportunity to work with my beads, I will have to reiterate that the reservations are on a first-come-first-served basis. That is why I always stress that to be fair to all buyers, order forms should only be submitted after the last item is uploaded which I diligently announce.

*I will NOT entertain order forms that come in during the period of my uploads*
(Please please remember this as you will not find your name in the reservation list.)

After you submit the form, I don't have control whose order form comes in first because it may depend on your internet speed or the server (which is U.S. based) hosting my order form. I receive the order forms all properly sorted in time sequence so I will base on that to reserve the beads - and not because of the assumption that you may be the first one to submit the form.

Thanks for reading this post and I hope I've enlightened many new & would-be buyers about my administration.


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