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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Selling Canes

I've been toying with the idea of selling canes to others who may wish to have a go at clay beads making for quite sometime. I have had a few enquiries and will like to know if there are more out there who would be keen to try them out - especially if you are curious about the craft and making your own beads for your jewelry line. So do help me out with the poll on the top right.

*For the benefit of newbies who do not know what a cane is, you can refer to my last post where I posted a cherry blossom cane. (it is really not hand painted designs on the end product beads. ^__^) These are required to be sliced thinly and onto your clays in order to make beads to your desired shapes. Thereafter, you will need to bake them so it hardens plus a little sanding and buffing to make it smooth.*

Thanks for stopping by and please vote! =)

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