We have moved!

Our beads are now found HERE. We will no longer be updating new beads on this blog. You can also choose to subscribe to this feed whenever we update our gallery. Thank you!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Sneak a peek!

Heez... couldn't resist putting up the next batch of beads I made today for your preview. :D

Hi everyone!
I promised cheerier colors for the next batch of upload. So here's a peak at what I've been working on.

I've had people asking me why my clay beads are different from the others they have seen which are very floral & dainty... well, my beads are nothing too sweety - more on the artsy, bolder & a little edgy at times. That is the difference with the beads I offer. That is more me. :)

Oh and there will definitely be other kinds of colorful designs that I am still working on so make a date to visit my blog on Tuesday for a chance to own them as they come in very limited quantities! :D
See you! Have a good weekend.

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