We have moved!

Our beads are now found HERE. We will no longer be updating new beads on this blog. You can also choose to subscribe to this feed whenever we update our gallery. Thank you!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Change of email address

Hi Everyone,

I seem to be having problems with blogger the last 2 days. I hope it will be rectified soon else I may have problem loading the pics up later today.

As there were feedback of missing emails (incoming/outgoing) lately, I've created a separate email account to cater to all your clay beads needs.

With immediate effect, please use this email ade.claybeads@gmail.com Hope this one doesn't give me any problems!

I would also like to page for Ms Michelle Ng. Your email address given is invalid as it bounced back to me. Please email me again as you have a bead reservation which needs to be closed soon. Hope to hear from you by end of today. Thanks.

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