We have moved!

Our beads are now found HERE. We will no longer be updating new beads on this blog. You can also choose to subscribe to this feed whenever we update our gallery. Thank you!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Store updates

I will be uploading some beads for sale this Thursday morning. I've decided that I should keep to the blast of colors like I had used for my previous batch - the "kebaya" color tones, that is. =)

As mentioned in my previous post, I was gonna look into giving buyers better value with my creations. I've decided that from next batch onwards, I will bundle 5 pcs of matching design beads in a set for the same price offered for the usual 4 pcs. You may expect the 5th bead to be of a different shape at times.

In addition, I am comitting to supply other matching beads (e.g. glass pearls, glass beads, etc) with each set of clay beads, for at least the next 5-6 batches as an added value to you. ^__^

See you here again!! Beads will be uploaded between 9-10am.


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