Store updates
I will be uploading some beads for sale this Thursday morning. I've decided that I should keep to the blast of colors like I had used for my previous batch - the "kebaya" color tones, that is. =)
As mentioned in my previous post, I was gonna look into giving buyers better value with my creations. I've decided that from next batch onwards, I will bundle 5 pcs of matching design beads in a set for the same price offered for the usual 4 pcs. You may expect the 5th bead to be of a different shape at times.
In addition, I am comitting to supply other matching beads (e.g. glass pearls, glass beads, etc) with each set of clay beads, for at least the next 5-6 batches as an added value to you. ^__^
See you here again!! Beads will be uploaded between 9-10am.